Glenwood Avenue Bioretention Area


Glenwood Avenue Bioretention Area

Green Stormwater Infrastructure

We constructed a 1,700-square-foot bioretention area at the intersection of Glenwood Avenue, St. Marys Street, and Wake Drive. 

The project is engineered to capture, absorb, and clean stormwater runoff. The plants, mulch, soil, gravel, and underground pipes slow down the water and filter out pollution before it reaches Crabtree Creek.

We also added a sidewalk along St. Marys Street that connects to the sidewalk on Glenwood Avenue. This work was partially funded by the Transportation Department

Project Details

$350,000 (design & construction)
Project Lead:
Stormwater Management
Hazen and Sawyer (Design); Lanier Construction Company (Contractor)



Heather Dutra
Water Quality Supervisor

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Participating Department:
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
Service Unit:




The phase is complete. 

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


This phase is complete. 

Next Steps



Lead Department:
Engineering Services


This phase is complete. 

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Crews are finished with this green stormwater infrastructure project. It included: 

  • Excavating land in the project area; 
  • Grading the site; 
  • Installing pipes and drainage structures; 
  • Seeding, planting, and mulching the area; and, 
  • Adding a fence along part the sidewalk in the project area. 

We planted more than 750 plants and six trees to create a green, aesthetic space that is also eco-friendly.

Use Caution in This Area

Please don't go into the bioretention area. This will help protect the new grass and plants as they grow that filter out pollution from stormwater runoff when it rains. You should see the plants sprout in the spring. 

Lead Department:
Engineering Services

Learn How the Bioretention Area Will Protect Crabtree Creek

Bioretention Area on Glenwood Avenue Protects Crabtree Creek

Learn about the bioretention area that was installed at the corner of Glenwood Avenue and St. Marys Street in fall 2021. This area is engineered to capture, absorb, and clean stormwater runoff when it rains. The plants, mulch, soil, gravel, and underground pipes work together to slow down the water and filter out pollution before it reaches Crabtree Creek.


Date Activity
Fall 2018 Project design began
Winter 2020 Project design complete
Spring - Fall 2020 Construction bid process
Winter 2021 Project construction phase begins
Fall 2021 Project construction complete


The bioretention area will capture stormwater from .75 acres of impervious surface (nearby streets, driveways, and rooftops). The area is expected to prevent excess nitrogen and total suspended solids from polluting waterways each year. 

  • 6 pounds of nitrogen 
  • 109 pounds of suspended solids

This is a great example of how planted stormwater devices help the environment. The features remove pollution and reduce impacts to stormwater pipes and streams.

Learn more about green stormwater infrastructure.