Lions Park Building


Lions Park Green Stormwater Infrastructure Installation

Incorporating GSI In Raleigh Parks

Raleigh Stormwater will identify, design, and oversee the construction of green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) installation at Lions Park. GSI aims to slow down, spread out, and infiltrate stormwater into the ground by using specialized soil, native plants, and stone.

Once constructed, the Lions Park GSI installations will help treat stormwater runoff from impervious areas in the park (such as parking lots, sidewalks and roofs), increase wildlife habitat through the use of native plant species, and reduce the amount of pollution that reaches Bridges Branch.

Project Details

$195,748 (Conceptual Design, Detailed Design, Permitting); $25,000 (Public Art); $ $886,591 (Construction)
Project Lead:
Stormwater Management
Tetra Tech (Engineer); HGS, LLC (Contractor)



Erik Mayr, PE
Project Manager

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Service Unit:




Project Goals

The goal of the project is to add up to two (2) GSI projects in Lions Park to help treat stormwater runoff from impervious areas. The goals include to:

  • Reduce stormwater impacts in disproportionately impacted and vulnerable communities.
  • Focus on projects that benefit public health, safety, and the environment through green and natural applications.
  • Collaborate within Raleigh Stormwater and other city departments and initiatives to multiply overall benefits.
  • Deliver the projects within ARPA funding deadlines.

Public Survey Results

We completed a public survey to learn about how residents use Lions Park and what they would like to see in the upcoming project. View the Lions Park Survey Results! 

Lions Park Bioretention Example

Lions Park Bioretention Area Example

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Detailed design and permitting is completed and the project has been bid for construction. For more information, read the Lions Park GSI Fact Sheet.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Construction is anticipated to begin in Fall 2025.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Early 2024Public Outreach & Engagement
Early 2024Concept Design
2024Permitting & Detailed Design
Late 2024Bidding & Public Engagement
Spring 2025Construction


Lions Park is one of the largest metro parks in Raleigh. The property was developed as a City park in the 1970s through a grant from the Land & Water Conservation Fund. In 2022, Raleigh Stormwater received local official approval for a portion of the City’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to be allocated to high priority stormwater Capital Improvement Projects (CIP).

In identifying the priority projects, Raleigh placed heightened emphasis and priority upon underserved communities and areas of higher social and economic vulnerability. Projects are also developed and envisioned to incorporate a multi-departmental and strategic approach to help maximize the benefits five stormwater management projects for the community. This project is supported through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). For more information on funding for this project, visit the ARPA Infrastructure Projects website.