Fees-in-Lieu and Infrastructure Reimbursements

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Fee-in-Lieu Infrastructure Reimbursements

As part of the subdivision and Administrative site plan review processes, infrastructure improvements may be required to bring adjacent infrastructure up to City of Raleigh and North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) standard.  As part of the engineering review process for subdivisions and site plans, a determination will be made whether to require construction of the necessary improvements or to require a fee-in-lieu of construction.


When a fee-in-lieu of construction is required, an estimate will be calculated for the necessary improvements based upon the Development Fee Guide and provided to the applicant. This determination may be done during the review process in accordance with the UDO Section 8.1.10.

These fees are required to be paid prior to the recordation of a plat during subdivision review or prior to the issuance of building permits for Administrative site plan review.

Once the fee is created during the respective process, you may pay in person at the Customer Service Center or over your On-line Portal account.

The fee may be generated prior to the plat or building plan submittal at the request of the applicant.  Please ensure you have a valid portal account and the contact information is up to date.

Infrastructure Reimbursements

When construction of infrastructure improvements is required, the owner or developer is responsible to meet maximum improvement responsibilities based upon the classification and size of the development for the following infrastructure:

In some cases, the required improvements may exceed the maximum responsibility of the owner or developer; in this case, any required improvements exceeding the owner or developer's responsibility, in accordance with Article 8.6 of the UDO, the owner or developer is eligible for reimbursement based upon the Development Fee Guide.

Reimbursement application packets are presented for City Council after acceptance or recordation of the infrastructure or right-of-way. Applications for infrastructure and right-of-way must be submitted to the Development Plan Review Group in Transportation.  Reimbursement requests for Water or Sewer mains must be submitted over the Permit and Development Portal for review and approval.  Select Apply and choose Plans - Public Infrastructure Reimbursement – Utilities.  You must have a Portal Account for correspondence and submittal.  Please see the Permit and Development Portal Help Center for guidance.

Upon approval of the reimbursement by the City Council, the owner or developer will enter into a reimbursement contract with the City of Raleigh Finance Office at which time the payment terms and conditions will be agreed upon. Please note that an applicant must be registered with the North Carolina Secretary of State and as a Vendor with the City of Raleigh.  Please contact our Finance Department for the procedure at 919-996-3215 or at finance.info@raleighnc.gov.



Dee An
Surety Coordinator


Lead Department:
Service Categories:
Transportation MaintenanceTransportation Development Review

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