Bike Plan

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Bike Plan by Chapter Interactive Long-Term Bikeway Plan Interactive 10-Year Priority Plan

The BikeRaleigh Plan update was approved in 2016. The 10-year priority project list was reprioritized December 2020 to reflect completed projects and those already funded. The updated priority list plan:

1. Incorporates capital projects in the design and construction pipeline;

2. Focuses neighborhood Bikeway priorities on sections that complete missing spine route connections; and,

3. Adds an existing sidepath rehabilitation and upgrade element. 

These changes to the plan are primarily a reprioritization of bike projects with some projects more difficult to complete and more realistic projects being moved up in the priority list.

More information on our Bike Plan and Pedestrian Plan Updates

Family on bikes smiling at camera

Adopted in May 2016, the BikeRaleigh Plan is the framework for expanding Raleigh’s bikeway network and improving safety, comfort, convenience, and accessibility for bicyclists of all ages and abilities.

View the plan in two ways: our interactive maps or by chapter.

Interactive Long-Term Bikeway Plan

View planned bikeways and existing greenway trails. Each color on the map represents either a separated bikeway, bicycle lane, or neighborhood bikeway.  You can also search by address to see what's planned for your area. 

Interactive 10-Year Priority Plan

Zoom in or search by address to find what multi-use paths, shared lane markings, and more are part of the 10-Year Plan near your area.