Mary Belle Park

Parks and Recreation

Mary Belle Pate Park Improvements


Mary Belle Pate Park, formerly known as Sierra Drive Park, is a 2.42-acre parcel in Southwest Raleigh that is currently vacant. The property is located in the northeast corner of Sierra and Lineberry drives. A master plan for the park was adopted in November of 2014 by the Raleigh City Council to guide the future development of this property.

The schematic design proposes neighborhood park recreation amenities including a picnic shelter, comfort station, basketball court, playground, multipurpose open lawn area, and associated parking. The 2014 Parks Bond allocated $1.25 million for the implementation of the park's master plan. 

Project Details

obs landscape architects



Shawsheen Baker

Lead Department:
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources




This phase is complete.


This phase is complete.


This phase is complete.


Mary Belle Pate Park is complete and was dedicated on Saturday, May 18, 2019.

See more details on Mary Belle Pate Park here.


The property was cleared several times (as recently as 2005) in anticipation of residential development which never materialized. The City of Raleigh acquired the 2.42 acre vacant property in 2009 to address the documented need for a neighborhood park among adjacent neighborhoods.

In the spring of 2013, the City of Raleigh prepared a system integration plan (SIP) for the Sierra/Lineberry Drive property. This document provides an overview of property conditions (such as vegetation, lot size, and drainage) while addressing immediate safety concerns and environmental issues. The plan also suggests interim site recommendations.

The City of Raleigh hired consultants to develop a master plan for the park through a public park planning process. Following a kick-off presentation at the Southwest Citizen Advisory Council meetings in the summer of 2013, the consultant presented a “situational assessment.” Informed by research and data collection, the situational assessment provides specific considerations for the planning process, including nominations for a representative citizen planning committee.  By recommendation of the Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board, the Raleigh City Council approved both the situation assessment and the members of the citizen planning committee on Oct. 15, 2013.

The committee met for the first time on Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2013 at Carolina Pines Community Center. The project team staff introduced the history of the project and background information on the park planning process.  The committee participated in a facilitated discussion to identify social, recreational, and other values and needs of the community that should shape the development of the park.  

The first public workshop was held on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013 at Carolina Pines Community Center. The workshop was an open house where attendees discussed the project with planning committee members and City of Raleigh staff.  Those in attendance also had the opportunity to participate in two activities. The first activity provided an aerial map of the park property for participants to identify areas for preservation, safety concerns, and potential amenities for the park.  The second activity provided pictures of parks in the area and throughout the country. Participants selected up to five pictures they felt represented characteristics that would address the needs of the community and their own visions for this site.  Comment forms were also available during and following this workshop. 

The committee reviewed all public comments in a process to develop a park vision and refine various park concepts. The park vision and outcome measures were refined in the committee's third meeting, held in March of 2014.

The second public workshop, held on Saturday, April 5, 2014, showcased three design concepts for the future park. 

At their fourth meeting on April 29, 2014, the committee discussed public comments regarding park plan preferences and other considerations. The committee came to a consensus on the desired outcome measures for the park and a preferred park plan design.  Those results, and a discussion on development priorities for the park, provided a focus for the final public workshop on May 20, 2014.  

The committee held its final meeting on Aug. 26, 2014 and endorsed the Sierra/Lineberry Park Master Plan.   

The draft master plan began the public approval process with a presentation and public hearing before the Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board on Sept. 18, 2014.  On Oct. 23, 2014, the board voted to recommend that the Raleigh City Council approve the master plan for this site. 


Date Activity
March 2016 Pre-Design
March - July 2016 Construction Documents
March 4-21, 2016 City Review of SD Building Plans
March 25- May 1, 2016 City Review of SD Site Plans
April 11, 2016 CAC Meeting
June 16, 2016 Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board Meeting
July 5, 2016 City Council Meeting
June 2, 2016 60% Design/Development Complete
June 2-16, 2016 City Review of Design/Development Plans
July 18- August 1, 2016 90% Construction Documents
Fall - Winter 2017 Permitting
Winter 2017 - 2018 Bidding and Contract Award
2018 Construction
2019 Completed

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