Image show what the new pedestrian culvert that runs under Blue Ridge Road will look like.


Blue Ridge Road Widening - North

From Crabtree Avenue to Homewood Banks Drive

The Blue Ridge Road North Project extends from just east of Homewood Banks Drive to Crabtree Valley Avenue. This part of the Blue Ridge Road Widening project will add a sidewalk and a multi-use path to the street and a pedestrian culvert that runs under Blue Ridge Road and connects with the Crabtree Creek Greenway. 

Project Details

Transportation Improvements
Kimley Horn (Design Consultant)



Project Manager
Dennis Trujillo

Division Manager
Sylvester Percival, PE


Comment Form

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Participating Department:
Service Unit:
Roadway Design and Construction




We are in the early construction phase of this project. During this phase, private utility companies, such as Duke Energy, Dominion Gas, Google Fiber, Spectrum, AT&T, and other fiber companies, complete their utility relocations. While the private utility relocation phase is underway our team finishes the final designs and obtains any permits needed for the project. 

Duke Energy has finished its relocation activity along the northern part of the corridor. We are scheduled to advertise this project section for construction bids late this summer. 

Lead Department:
Engineering Services

Project Schedule

Fall 2022 - Fall 2024Private Utility Relocation
Fall 2024Advertise for Construction Bids - Northern Section
Winter 2025Pre-Construction Public Meeting
Winter 2025Start Construction - Northern Section
Winter 2026Project Complete - Northern Section