Reflecting Raleigh - The Next Comprehensive Plan - Branching Out:  Trees & Urban Forestry

Branching Out: Trees and Urban Ecosystems

As the City of Oaks continues to grow, preserving Raleigh’s tree canopy has become a key focus in maintaining its quality of life. Trees not only benefit our city by providing natural beauty in our neighborhoods, cleaner air, and much needed shade, they are critical to our community's overall health. As population growth drives an increase in development activity, the City of Raleigh is committed to finding a way to balance urban development and environmental preservation.  

Save the date for the next installment of Reflecting Raleigh Community Conversations. We want to incorporate your thoughts on how we can enhance the tree canopy and activate preservation efforts within the city and along the edges so we can create a greener, more sustainable urban environment. This two-part event will feature expert speakers about the programs, solutions, and benefits of preserving our tree canopy. The feedback you provide will help inform the Next Comprehensive Plan.

Tuesday, March 11 | 6-8 p.m. 
Keynote Presentation  
Durant Nature Preserve, Campbell Lodge 

Tuesday, March 18 | 6-8 p.m.   
State of the City and Community Conversation  
Dix Park Chapel

Your opinions and ideas are important to us. Each night will feature a different program, and you will have a chance to engage with staff and hear information about current projects.

Registration is encouraged but not required. If you have dietary restrictions, or require language services, please let us know. Children's activities will be available.