Carolina Pines Avenue


Carolina Pines Avenue Improvement Project

Improve mobility and connectivity for pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic

We are making improvements to Carolina Pines Avenue from Lake Wheeler Road to South Saunders Street.

Improvements included in the project are:

  • A sidewalk on the north side of the street;
  • A multi-use path on the south side of the street;
  • Traffic calming measures, including roundabouts;
  • Stormwater control;
  • Consolidated transit stops;
  • Landscaping; and,
  • Street lights.

This project will improve mobility and connectivity for pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic while improving safety throughout this important corridor. This is a Complete Streets project, designed to be safe and accessible to all users.

Project Details

$16 Million
Project Lead:
Roadway Design & Construction
Lochner Inc. (Design Consultant)



Project Manager
Dean Fox, PE

Division Manager
Sylvester Percival, PE

Comment Form

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Participating Department:
Service Unit:
Roadway Design and Construction



This project supports

Raleigh's Climate Plan in Action


Advanced Design Public Touchpoint

Welcome to the advanced design public touchpoint for the Carolina Pines Avenue Improvement Project.

We have a brief presentation available that explains the project's goals, explains some of the project's challenges, and highlights some of the project's proposed features.

Please take a moment to view the presentation and review the Public Touchpoint materials linked below. 


Carolina Pines Avenue Advanced Design Touchpoint - Roadway Design and Construction

Lead Department:
Engineering Services

Right of Way Acquisition

The Right of Way and Easement Acquisition phase of the Project is completed! 

Crews have finished placing survey flags in yards and along the corridor.

What Flag Colors Represent:

  • White Flags = Right of way needed
  • Blue Flags = Permanent drainage easement needed (These areas may include installing drainage pipes, catch basins, drainage inlets, and drainage ditches.)
  • Yellow Flags = Temporary construction easement needed (We will only utilize these easements during construction.) 
  • Red Flags = Electric utility easement
  • Green Flags = Permanent transit easement
  • Pink Flags = permanent slope easement
The City requests that all stakes stay in place until the property owners have met with the City’s Real Estate Analyst, Robert Mathes.

The design process is still moving forward. Our team is working towards the final designs. You may see our team along the corridor as we finalize the construction plans. We are scheduled to complete design plans this spring and have a Pre-Construction Meeting in late-spring 2022.

Next Steps

  • Advertise for construction contracts
  • Hold a Pre-Construction Meeting
  • Start construction 

Phase Contacts


Robert Mathes - Real Estate Analyst 

Kitty Thomas, EI - Project Manager

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Currently, the team is working on permitting. 

Permits needed for this project include:

  • Railroad Right of Entry
  • Stormwater
  • North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)
  • North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ)
  • North Carolina Dam Safety 

Once all permits are received, the team will advertise the project for construction bids. After a construction contractor is selected, we will hold a pre-construction meeting with residents along the corridor. 

Private utility relocation work is underway!

Duke Energy's relocation work is primarily complete. Now other private utility companies will relocate their services to the new poles. Once that work is complete Duke will remove all old poles along the street. 

What to expect 

  • Clearing operations so new poles can be placed. 
  • Replacement of existing utility poles with new, taller poles.
  • Utility lines relocated to new poles.
  • Old utility poles removed.
  • Duke Energy will give advanced notice to any homes or businesses if a power outage is required.
  • Work will take place between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. 
  • Intermittent lane closures between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Next Steps

  • Complete all permits needed for the project
  • Advertise the project for construction bids
  • Hold Public Pre-Construction Meeting 

Phase Contacts


Dean Fox, PE

Project Manager

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Phase details coming soon.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


April 25, 2019Pre-design Public Meeting
Nov. 4, 2019Preliminary Plans Public Meeting
Winter 2021Advanced Design Public Touchpoint
Winter 2021City Council Project Presentation
Fall 2022Right of Way and Easement Acquisition Completed
Fall 2024Advertise for Construction Bids
Winter 2025Pre-construction Meeting
Winter 2027Project Complete

Public Touchpoint Materials

Public Survey Results

A rendering of the proposed improvements to Caroina Pines Avenue

A rendering of what Carolina Pines Avenue will look like once the project is complete.

Lake Wheeler Intersection 

The intersection of Lake Wheeler Road and Carolina Pines Avenue provided a challenge in identifying an intersection design to address the current safety and operational concerns as well as the projected future needs for this corridor.  After extensive collaboration and evaluation of design options for this intersection with our partners at NCDOT and Duke Energy, and in consideration of all feedback received from the public, a signalized intersection at Lake Wheeler Road and Carolina Pines Avenue was selected.  

There was immense interest in this intersection from all and we appreciate the feedback received.  We also understand that this final design may be disappointing to some.  The selected signal design does seek to address the safety and operational concerns of this intersection, improving the experience for all users of both Lake Wheeler Road and Carolina Pines Avenue. 

Public Art

The project will include a public art component. The City selected Gabriel Eng-Goetz as the artist for this project. To learn more about the project, the artist selected, and give your input visit the Carolina Pines Avenue Public Art Project page.