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Large Valve Exercising Project begins Oct. 29, 2018
Every water system has valves—devices that regulate, stop, or start the flow of water in the distribution lines. Being able to operate these valves at a moment’s notice is extremely important. In an emergency, sections of a distribution system may need to be shut down without delay. However, if a valve is not used over a period of time it can seize-up from corrosion and get stuck, making the valve inoperable. A valve exercising program helps maintain the useful life an operation of water system valves.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose for exercising a valve?
The City’s goal is to exercise each of the 70,000+ valves in the service area over a five-year period.
To gain basic condition assessment and make certain valves are accessible and operable.
Valves are often paved over, buried, striped or have a broken operating nut that spins free or won’t turn. This project will help identify valves needing repair or replacement.
Why are valves installed in the distribution system?
Start and stop flow
Isolate a specific line segment
At pipe intersections
Typical distribution spacing <800 feet
What happens when valves are not accessible or operable?
Valve may leak which leads to water loss in the distribution system
Crews must close more valves to isolate the line which takes more time which leads to longer repair times
More customers are impacted resulting in low water pressure or loss of water service
How frequently are valves exercised?
Once every seven years
Some valves have a different schedule then others based on their location, criticality, or unusual operating conditions.