Published 1/15/2025 at 9 a.m.Updated 1/15/2025 at 10 a.m.
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07/30/2024 3:35 pm
If you observe or experience a water line break, contact the Raleigh Water Call Center at 919-996-3245.
Nutrient Overview
Nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorus, are naturally occurring in nearly all environments and ecosystems and are critical to the growth and health of plant species. Nutrient pollution occurs when nutrient levels are too high, increasing the productivity of the water ecosystem to grow plants.
Negative environmental effects can include:
Large algae blooms and/or toxic algae growth that can reduce available oxygen in the water vital for plant and animal life.
Rapid water chemistry and pH value adjustments that decrease the ability for plants and animals to survive.
Large fish kills or near total destruction of an ecosystem.