Fire fighters in uniform stand at promotion ceremony

Raleigh Fire Department Retirements and Promotions

These Raleigh Fire Department members retired or received a promotion within the past few months - congratulations!


June 1, 2024
Capt. Anthony Tant
Lt. Dan Fox


April 20, 2024
Promoted to Division Chief
Division Chief P.B. Marks

Promoted to Battalion Chief
Battalion Chief A.O. Gutierrez

May 18, 2024
Promoted to Captain 
Capt. M.J. Cobb
Capt. R.D. Fobbs

The Raleigh Fire Department also welcomed the following new firefighters who recently graduated from Fire Academy 52:

M.C. Lane
C. L. Yow
Z.L. Grady
N.T. Washington
N.J. Mullin
C.R. Porterfield
K.D. Martin

June 29, 2024
Promoted to Captain
Kelly Burns

Service Categories:
Fire Operations
