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In addition to residential zoning districts, the City of Raleigh has Mixed-Use Districts as well. There are seven mixed-use districts: Residential Mixed Use (RX-), Office Park (OP-), Office Mixed Use (OX-), Neighborhood Mixed Use (NX-), Commercial Mixed Use (CX-), Downtown Mixed Use (DX-), and Industrial Mixed Use (IX-).
Components of Mixed-Use Districts
Each Mixed-Use District is comprised of one or more of the following components:
- Land Use and Base Dimensions (RX-, OP-, OX-, NX-, CX-, DX-, IX-)
- Height (-3, -4, -5, -7, -12, -20, -30, -40)
- Frontage (-PK, -DE, -PL -GR, -UL, -UG, -SH, -GP)
Each Mixed-Use District must include a height designation. See UDO Sec. 3.3 for height requirements. A frontage is optional unless it has already been applied to the property and designated on the Official Zoning Map. Neighborhood transitions apply when adjacent to a residential district (see UDO Sec. 3.5. Neighborhood Transitions).
Use and Base Dimensions | Height | Frontage | Examples |
Specifies the range of uses allowed (Ch. 6 Use Regulations) and base dimensional standards for allowed building types (Article 3.2 Base Dimensional Standards). | Sets the maximum allowed height for the district (Article 3.3 Height Requirements) | Frontages place additional limitations beyond the base dimensional standards (Article 3.4 Frontages Requirements) | |
RX- Residential Mixed Use OP- Office Park OX- Office Mixed Use NX- Neighborhood Mixed Use CX- Commercial Mixed Use DX- Downtown Mixed Use IX- Industrial Mixed Use |
-3 = 3 stories max -4 = 4 stories max -5 = 5 stories max -7 = 7 stories max -12 = 12 stories max -20 = 20 stories max -30 = 30 stories max -40 = 40 stories max |
-PK = Parkway -DE = Detached -PL = Parking Limited -GR = Green -UL = Urban Limited -UG = Urban General -SH = Shopfront -GP = Green Plus |
RX-3: |
To view the base dimensional standards for each building type within Mixed-Use zoning districts, consult the following UDO sections:
- Detached House (UDO Sec. 3.2.1)
- Attached House (UDO Sec. 3.2.2)
- Townhouse (UDO Sec. 3.2.3)
- Apartment (UDO Sec. 3.2.4)
- General Building (UDO Sec. 3.2.5)
- Mixed Use Building (UDO Sec. 3.2.6)
- Civic Building (UDO Sec. 3.2.7)
- Open Lot (UDO Sec. 3.2.8)
- Tiny House (UDO Sec. 3.2.9)
Frontage Requirements
Frontages are an optional component of Mixed-Use Districts that control how a building relates to the street. See UDO Sec. 3.4.2 for general requirements concerning frontages. See below for further guidance for each frontage designation.
- Parkway (-PK) UDO Sec. 3.4.3: Requires a heavily landscaped buffer between buildings and the roadway to ensure a continuous green corridor along the street.
- Detached (-DE) UDO Sec. 3.4.3: Intended for areas transitioning from residential to commercial. Accommodates neighborhood-scaled, low-intensity commercial uses while maintaining the residential character of the street.
- Parking Limited (-PL) UDO Sec. 3.4.5: Intended for areas where access to buildings by cars is desired but where some level of walkability is maintained. Permits a maximum of 2 bays of parking with a single drive aisle between the building and the street right-of-way.
- Green (-GR) UDO Sec. 3.4.6: Intended for areas where parking between the building and street is not permitted. Requires a landscaped area between the building and the street right-of-way.
- Urban Limited (-UL) UDO Sec. 3.4.7: Intended for areas where parking between the building and street is not allowed. Buildings abut the street and sidewalk, but to balance the needs of both the pedestrian and automobile, first-floor building façade continuity is required.
- Urban General (-UG) UDO Sec. 3.4.8: Intended for areas where parking between the building and street is not allowed. Buildings abut the street and sidewalk, but higher street wall continuity is required than the -UL Frontage.
- Shopfront (-SH) UDO Sec. 3.4.9: Intended for areas where the highest level of walkability is desired. The -SH Frontage is intended to create a "main street" type of environment; therefore, mixed use buildings are the primary building type allowed.
- Green Plus (-GP) UDO Sec. 3.4.10: Intended for areas where it is desirable to locate buildings close to the street, but where parking between the building and street is not permitted. Requires a tree-lined area between the building and the street right-of-way.
Additional Housing Patterns
The standards for the following Additional Housing Patterns in Mixed-Use Districts can be found below:
Cottage Court - UDO Sec. 3.6.1: A Cottage Court is a group of small, detached houses, attached houses, townhouses (two-unit maximum per building), or tiny houses sharing a common courtyard. The courtyard enhances the character of the area through the provision of consolidated open space. A Cottage Court may be developed on individual lots or with a common form of ownership.
Accessory Dwelling - UDO Sec. 3.6.2: The Accessory Dwelling housing pattern provides for the development of additional dwelling units on a lot as an 'accessory' use to another 'principal' use.
Frequent Transit Development Option - UDO Sec. 3.7: The Frequent Transit Development Option allows for additional housing and employment space in locations near current and planned frequent transit service. A Frequent Transit Area refers to areas slated for bus or other transit service where the time between buses will be 15 minutes or less during peak service periods and must be mapped in the City’s Comprehensive plan as such.