Rose Garden Bioretention Area


Raleigh Rose Garden Stormwater Improvements

Providing water quality benefits

The Rose Garden location is located within a depression and subject to stormwater flooding and wet soils. Water issues affect the usability of the site and the health of the roses and other garden plants. 

To help these concerns, a planted bioretention area was constructed in Summer 2020 to redirect and absorb stormwater runoff while providing water quality benefits. The planted bioretention area was designed to fit into the existing landscape and not deter from the beauty of the rose beds.

Project Details

Project Lead:
Stormwater Management
SEPI Engineering and Construction, Inc.



Heather Dutra
Water Quality Supervisor

Gary Claiborne
Engineering Supervisor

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Participating Department:
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
Service Unit:




This phase is complete.


This phase is complete.


Stormwater improvements construction commenced in April 2020 and continued into late Summer 2020. While the Rose Garden is now fully open to the public, please do not enter the bioretention area. This will help protect the plants and stormwater infrastructure.


New Bioretention Area

The new bioretention area collects and cleans rainwater coming from paved surfaces, like nearby roads and buildings. The plants and soil in the garden slow down the water and filter out pollution before it reaches Beaverdam Creek. Plants in the bioretention area are a mix of native, ornamental grasses and pollinator-friendly flowering perennials and low shrubs. 

Construction also included re-configuration and expansion to the existing stormwater system in the area.

Rose Garden Bioretention Area

Rose Garden Bioretention Area


Constructed in the late 1940s, the Raleigh Rose Garden is a historic and unique space in the Raleigh Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Department. The garden has more than 60 types of roses and a wealth of perennial and woody specimen plantings. The Rose Garden is open to the public and hosts weddings and special events. 

Funding for this project is jointly provided by the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department and the Stormwater Management Division.


Fall 2018 - Summer 2019Design and Permitting
Fall 2019Bidding
Spring - Summer 2020Construction
Fall 2020Bio-retention Area Planting
Spring 2021Rose Bed Establishment and Planting