brick house with city skyline in background

Register for the Affordable Housing Summit

An event to learn about affordable housing policy and innovation

Attend the Affordable Housing Summit

Registration is now open for the City’s Affordable Housing Summit! Join us on Saturday, August 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Raleigh Convention Center. 

The Affordable Housing Summit is an opportunity for all Raleigh residents to learn more about how affordable housing is created in our community and explore innovative ideas for ways to expand affordability in Raleigh.   

We are excited to gather public input and learn together about affordable housing. The ideas and feedback we receive will guide the City's efforts, including the next Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Please join us to share your thoughts.

If you are seeking affordable housing, you can find information at Resources for Housing Crises and Homelessness or Find Affordable Housing. 

Register now!

Registration for the Affordable Housing Summit is FULL! If you did not register or cannot attend in person, the full event will be available to watch remotely via livestream. You do not need to register for the free livestream, just visit the City’s YouTube page on August 17! 




Registration Tables Open 


Opening Session: Homelessness is a Housing Problem 
Gregg Colburn, University of Washington 


Affordable Housing 101: The State of Housing in Raleigh 
Emila Sutton, Housing and Neighborhoods Director 
Patrick O. Young, Director of Planning and Development


Information Tables and Lunch Service 


Affordable Housing 201: Affordable Rental Development 
Mark Shelburne, Novogradac 


Innovation Corner
Examples from peer communitites


Innovation Applied: Using Creative Tools in Raleigh 


Closing Remarks  

*Please note that this agenda is a draft and may be subject to change

Associated Event




Housing and Neighborhoods Department

Lead Department:
Housing and NeighborhoodsPlanning and Development
Service Categories:
Community Development
