School group listens to firefighters talk as they show children a ladder truck.

Fire Education

The Raleigh Fire Department offers fire prevention education and outreach services. This includes all education efforts with children, schools, preschools, teachers, and day care providers. We also offer a variety of educational and outreach opportunities for the business, residential, and targeted high-risk communities.



Our mission is to PLAN, EDUCATE, PRACTICE.

Develop a strategic plan to teach 100 percent of our population fire safety.

Never Let a Teachable Moment pass to teach some else about fire and life safety education.

Encourage our target population to practice the messages they learn about Fire and life safety education in their home, Business or community.

The main goal of the Fire and Life Safety Education is to provide the citizens of Raleigh timely and pertinent fire and life safety messages. Our aim is to reach the entire population of Raleigh with a FLSE message four times a year.