Close up of young bald eagle being held by rescue workers

Raleigh Worker to the Rescue

Young bald eagle rescued thanks to quick actions by City employee

This news article is more than a year old.
Wildlife rescuers examine young bald eagle in feild

For Chris Ray, it was just another day at work… until it wasn’t. Ray, a Senior Utility Specialist with Raleigh Water, was recently at the Wrenn Road Facility when something caught his eye.

“I saw this large bird on the ground. I thought it was unusual for a bird that size, but I didn’t want to disturb it, so I went about my work,” said Ray. “A bit later, I went back and it was still there. It didn’t take off flying and was trying to hop away.”

That’s when Ray called the American Wildlife Refuge, a local non-profit that helps with rescue and rehabilitation of wild birds. He was worried the injured bird would become easy prey for coyotes.

It turns out the large bird was a young female bald eagle.

Ray says in his 24 years working for the City of Raleigh, he’d never come across something like that. He estimates the bird’s wingspan at four to five feet.

The rescue group tells Ray the young bird has an injured wing but they expect her to make a full recovery, thanks to his efforts.

As for Ray, he’s just glad he could help.

“It was amazing, the size of the talons and beak were so impressive. I’d never seen a bald eagle up close. It was definitely an exciting day at work.”



Julia Milstead
Public Information Officer

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