In 2010, Red Hat Amphitheater was built on land intended for the expansion of Raleigh Convention Center (RCC). With RCC now at capacity, the City is carefully planning next steps. After exploring many options, the City, its architect and contractor identified one option that meets all needs.
Creating New Paths
Much of the South Street car traffic will use Lenoir Street (one block north) to get to and from downtown. Even if all the traffic from South Street reroutes to Lenoir Street, studies show Lenoir Street would be at roughly 60-percent capacity for the size of the two-lane road.
Plans are underway to ensure that pedestrians and cyclists can easily move around this part of downtown. Stay tuned for more information including maps of new routes.
There are exciting projects under consideration for getting around downtown. Read about our Strollway plans that will come through this section of downtown.
*Photo credit (top of page): Willa Stein